Effective date: March 2nd, 2019
All listings on MNO require a one-off fee to keep the wallet listed on the site for the lifetime of the coin with all regular updates included. The only exception are unscheduled collateral changes, hard forks or rebrands which require a $500 maintenance fee.
While all listings on MNO are for the lifetime of the coin, we do reserve the right to delist coins that are not able to fix problems that led to being placed in maintenance status. The reason that a coin is on maintenance determines the window of time before it will be delisted and this is further detailed in section below.
If both block explorer and github are removed it warrants an immediate removal. We will proceed to remove the coin within 48 hours unless notified by the dev team.
All coins require a working block explorer
All coins require a listing on an approved exchange
All coins require a working blockchain
Collateral changes, chainswaps & rebrands require an additional fee to be paid for by the dev team to complete. The fee is $500 and can be purchased as maintenance product in our shop.
Coin teams are given 45 days to purchase the required product before being removed.
MNO does grant extensions to all delistings if we get a resolution plan by the dev team. We will keep the coin on maintenance and will follow up with the dev team to ensure measures are in place to resolve the issues asap.